• Address: 7 Skyline Dr., Hawthorne, NY 10532
  • Email us at: info@mindfullivingsw.com
  • Don't hesitate to contact us: 914-266-0218
Interventions focusing on building healthy relationships

Family therapy and counseling address specific issues affecting the psychological dynamics of your family. Our approach utilizes evidence-based practices that are proven to improve the relationship between children and their caregivers. We help you and your family improve communication, conflict management skills, parenting skills, as well as other skills needed to function in positive and constructive ways. We address concerns such as child behavior problems, arguments/conflict, discipline, sibling conflict, family violence, and other familial factors that may affect individuals or the family as a whole.

Family therapy services are also offered to foster/adoptive parents. Counseling sessions are trauma-focused and address the experiences of the child and the caregiver’s trauma history that can often impact the parent-child relationship and achieving permanency. We provide psychoeducation on trauma, secondary trauma, and attachment to address behavior concerns.

Individual Therapy >
Children and Adolescent Therapy >

Connect with us today. Contact 914-266-0218.